Similar phenomena are occurring to people of all faiths through the world, both clergy and lay people alike.
This is a condensed list as there have been several hundred:
Many people from around the world have reported healings when they placed the Golden Lingham photo on their bodies and prayed to their personal form of God.
February 24, 1982 Republic of Singapore. He appeared at her bedside about 10 hours after she had been diagnosed with a brain tumor. He said, "I AM Sathya Sai Baba, Father Mother of Truth. Come to India and bring your husband. I will heal you.
March 24, 1982 Puttaparthi, South India. Sai Baba invited Connie and her husband to meet with him for an Interview (audience). He manifested a handful of His holy curative ash (vibhuti) for her to eat, which she did. She was instantaneously healed.
May 1982 to Present – Sai Baba has appeared fifty-four times in Connie’s home. She has also been blessed to receive apparitional visits of Jesus, Mary, Yogananda, Ramana Maharshi, St. Walburga, St. Joseph, Archangel Michael, Archangel Grabriel, Sri Yukteshwar and Gautama Buddha.
May 1982 to Present – Sai Baba has healed and rescued numerous family members from severe illnesses and calamities.
November, 1986 South India. Sai Baba saved Connie from a head-on collision as she called out his name and her taxi cab headed for a cliff to avoid a truck and a bus side-by-side in the oncoming lanes.
December 1986 Guangzhou, China. Sai Baba healed Connie of severe ptomaine poisoning as she called out His name directly before she was to be evacuated by helicopter.
1988 to Present Sai manifested amrit nectar and vibhuti ash on photos of himself and Jesus in Connie’s home.
1988 to Present He showed Connie visions of the future and told her not to be concerned or worry in any way. These have been personal visions, not for the public.
May 1990 Whitefield, India. Before going to the hospital for surgery on a pre-gangrenous foot, Connie went to see Sai Baba in darshan (His daily crowd blessing). Sai Baba came and stood in front of her and silently looked upon her. The foot was instantly healed and surgery was cancelled.
July 1990 Puttaparthi, South India. Sai Baba manifested a multi-gemstone ring for Connie during an audience with a group that she had brought to India.
August 1990 New Mexico. During a talk Connie was giving to Native Americans, Sai Baba’s holy ash manifested on the bluejeans of an alcoholic Native American as a blessing of encouragement for recovery.
August 1990 New Mexico. Sai Baba saved Connie’s life as she called out His name during an attack on her life.
1991 Colorado. Sai Baba manifested vibhuti ash on the hands of a recovering drug addict who visited the Sai Baba study group on his 90th day of sobriety.
September, 1996 Colorado. Sai Baba appeared during the Sai Baba meeting and performed healings on Connie’s husband and on Connie.
1998 Colorado. He healed Connie of two severe illnesses.
1998 - 1999 Colorado. Ten visitors saw visions of Mary, Jesus, Sai Baba, Yogananda, Sri Yuktashwar and angels over a period of thirteen months.
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